
29 November 2018

5 Most Common Sports Injuries and How a Physiotherapist Can Help

A passion for the game, a competitive spirit and the desire to stay physically fit are some of the reasons why athletes love their chosen sports. But, along with those rewards, victories and gained friendships, the major downside is the risk of getting an injury.

But, whether it is a mild or a severe one, a sports injury can be treated immediately, especially if an athlete wants to get back into the game as soon as possible. In this blog, learn more about the 5 most common sports injuries and find out what a physiotherapist can do.

27 November 2018

What You Need To Know About Ageing, Rehabilitation, and Physiotherapy

Throughout the course of a long and well-lived life, we enjoy incredible adventures, make lifelong friends, and gain increased wisdom. However, we also gather some less-than-pleasant experiences: repetitive use injuries, unforeseen surgeries, and reduced mobility. 

Though we all slow down as we age, getting older doesn't automatically consign you to increased pain and decreased the quality of life. Even if you've had a serious injury or surgery, rehabilitation is always possible. By understanding what causes injury—and how interventions like physiotherapy help in the rehabilitation process—you can reduce pain, regain some mobility, and get back to enjoying your life as usual.