
24 May 2017

Avoid Running Injury With These Four London Physio-Approved Tips

As a running enthusiast, you’re probably in a constant state of preparation for your favourite marathon. As you up your running loads and distances, you need to protect yourself from common running injuries such as runner’s knee, shin splints, Achilles tendinitis, and plantar fasciitis. With good running technique, appropriate training progressions, and proper fitting shoes, you can avoid most of these injuries.

London Physio Shares Four Injury-Preventing Tips for Marathon Runners

If you are planning to run in any marathon this year, your London physio provider shares with you four injury-preventing tips to keep in mind as you prepare for the big day.

Increase your load gradually

The rule of thumb in training for a marathon is to raise your total running volume in increments of just 10 per cent each week. This gives the body tissues just the right amount of load to adjust to. Pushing yourself too much in too short a time can often result in injuries such as shins, anterior knee pain, or Achilles tendon. Read more from this article:

12 May 2017

Physiotherapy Helps Stroke Survivors Attain Complete Rehabilitation

Survivors of stroke can benefit significantly from accessing physiotherapy as it supports effective recovery.

Find Out How Physiotherapy Supports the Recovery of Stroke Survivors

Physiotherapy will help you improve movement and strength by learning how to use both sides of the body once more. Here’s how physiotherapy can help you recuperate from the effects of stroke and what treatment methods may be applied.

How Physiotherapy Supports Neuroplasticity

Stroke can affect either the right or left hemisphere of your brain. Right-hemisphere stroke can lead to left-sided paralysis or weakness, visual problems in the left eye, and memory problems. Left-hemisphere stroke can produce right-sided weakness or paralysis, speech problems, visual problems in the right eye, impaired mathematical or reasoning abilities, and memory deficits. Read more from this article: